30 or under? Creative? Want to go to Cannes?

Ad Age’s Global Cover Contest wants work that’s global in nature, original and excellent. It must also impress Marketing’s editor-in-chief.

Think you have what it takes to inspire a world of marketers?

Ad Age is inviting young creatives from all over the world to design a global-themed cover for its June 13 issue, and will award the winner a free trip to the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.
 Marketing‘s editor-in-chief Tom Gierasimczuk will join Ad Age’s editors on the judging panel.

To celebrate the global issue that Ad Age publishes each June, which focuses on the international advertising and marketing scene, multinational marketers and their strategies and how brands connect with consumers in regions around the world, Ad Age welcomes cover ideas from creatives 30 or younger. Entries must convey a global theme, be original and, of course, be excellent. Students and professionals from all disciplines are welcome to enter. There is no cost to enter, and you are free to submit more than one entry.

The design must incorporate a cover for the print edition of Ad Age, although submissions are not limited to the printed page and can include digital ideas, too. It can riff on the commonalities people share the world over, the way technology has bridged cultures and continents or the role of brands as they seek to enter new markets. The only criteria is the subject must be global in nature and the work must be good.

The winning design will appear on the cover of the June 13 issue of Ad Age, which will be distributed at the Cannes Lions festival, as well as on AdAge.com and Creativity-Online.com. The cover design will be featured on a billboard prominently displayed on the Croisette Boulevard in Cannes during the festival, June 19 – 25. The winner will attend and be toasted at an exclusive cocktail party at the Majestic Hotel during Cannes week.

Last year’s first-ever cover contest drew 220 entries from all around the world. (See the 2010 winning entry, and the creative duo behind it.)

To find out how to participate, see the call for entries for Ad Age‘s second annual Global Cover Contest at AdAge.com/GlobalCoverCompetition. The final deadline is Friday, May 6.

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