Badminton named Tribal DDB director of digital strategy

Nikolas Badminton has been appointed director of digital strategy at the Vancouver office of Tribal DDB Canada, the integrated digital and social marketing group of DDB Canada.

Nikolas Badminton has been appointed director of digital strategy at the Vancouver office of Tribal DDB Canada, the integrated digital and social marketing group of DDB Canada.

Badminton is leading the planning and strategy team that creates the digital and social strategies for Tribal’s clients, which include the Canadian Tourism Commission and BC Hydro.

He will be developing strategies and methods for engaging consumers through both paid and earned media, with a focus on social media measurement, movement mobilization, campaign development and execution.

“Tribal DDB has a culture that is immersed in digital engagement and a willingness to take chances with new and innovative technologies and methods to get results,” said Badminton. “The team here in Vancouver is exemplary and our reach across North America really makes us a powerhouse in the digital space.”

Marty Yaskowich, managing director at Tribal DDB Vancouver, said, “As the needs of our clients continue to evolve into more and more strategic engagements, especially in the social media space, we felt it was critical to have someone devoted solely to that practice area. Client demands for digital and social thinking woven throughout their business planning and strategies, demands someone with the global expertise and experience that Nik brings.”

Most recently, Badminton worked with the United Nations and non-profit groups to create connected online communities. Before that, he worked on digital engagement platforms for clients including Electronic Arts and Microsoft at Blast Radius. He was strategy director there for roughly two years, leaving in June 2010.

He has worked across categories including travel, consumer packaged goods and technology during his 15 years in the traditional and digital marketing fields.

For those headed to SxSW Interactive in Austin, Texas later this week, Badminton will be speaking about the future of mobile tagging as part of the PSFK Salon Future of Mobile Marketing event.

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