Contiki entices millennials with #Travelgoals

Digital campaign taps into young travellers' aspiration side

CZlQNgYWEAE5QXNTravel company Contiki Canada is aiming to ignite millennials’ wanderlust with a new digital campaign.

During the eight-week #Travelgoals campaign, Contiki is featuring eight global travel destinations like Spain and Greece, and offering limited-savings of up to $970 each week. The company is also running a social media contest, inviting would-be travellers to share photos of their dream vacations with the hashtag #Travelgoals. Entrants have the chance to win weekly prize packages and a grand prize that includes a $2,000 Contiki trip voucher and $1,000 airfare credit.

Contiki has run similar campaigns at this time of year, but they were more educational, focusing on the travel brand’s benefits and features, says Brad Ford, president of Contiki Canada, which is owned by The Travel Corporation. “This year we wanted to do something a little bit different. We wanted to propose a campaign that was more aspirational and hinged a bit more on sentiment rather than education.”

The campaign taps into the popularity of goals-related hashtags like #relationshipgoals and #foodgoals, which underline millennials’ aspirational way of thinking, says Ford.

CZnAJ-QWQAISnu2“Millennials are constantly bombarded with facts and figures… but we know they’re also dreamers. A lot of their decisions are based on instinct and can be quite spur of the moment,” he says. Contiki wants to entice them to be spontaneous and say, “Spain is calling me right now, I’m booking a trip.”

On its social media channels, Contiki is featuring inspiring and educational content about each destination, contest information and travel goals such as “sip sangria on the beach at sunset.”

The brand is also working with social influencers including Vancouver’s Meagan Faye from and Montreal lifestyle and travel blogger Karina Volstad. The influencers each travelled to one of the eight destinations, and Contiki is posting content and images from their trips.

The campaign, which was developed in-house, is also being promoted with a digital ad buy handled by Spoke Isobar.

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