From surfing to psychics, team building gets creative

Boosting spirits can inspire creative ideas and support business objectives: survey

Never mind an extended surf-and-turf, team-building lunch—these days, some creative managers are actually taking their staff surfing as a way to boost morale.

Many agencies are looking to creative team-building activities, whether it be going for pedicures, bringing in a psychic for a fun office session, or even taking a week-long desert trek.

And according to a survey from The Creative Group—a Toronto-based staffing agency for marketing professionals—many offices are getting downright wacky with their ideas.

For the survey, some 400 marketing and advertising executives were asked, “What is the wackiest or most unusual team-building activity you’ve ever participated in, or heard of a company participating in?”

The answers varied from having an office dance-off, to going surfing, to taking an improv class.

“Allowing creative teams to step away from their desks and have some fun together can be incredibly valuable for overall productivity and morale,” said Deborah Bottineau, senior regional manager of The Creative Group.

“Team-building initiatives serve as extended platforms for less formal collaboration that can inspire creative ideas, and support business objectives through improved communication amongst both employees and managers,” said Bottineau.

But if surfing and psychics aren’t your style, the survey—which compiled 25 unique ideas—also suggests that doing simple activities can also be beneficial.

Some ideas include: Holding speed meetings (which might be a little like speed dating, but perhaps less stressful), asking staff to explain something about themselves using only movements, or engaging in a group songwriting session. (Naturally, the lyrics should be about the company.)

Meanwhile, marketing executives interviewed in the survey listed simple, fun question sessions as a way to break down walls and boost team spirit.

Some of the questions listed in the survey include:

  • “If you could be any superhero, who would you choose?”
  • “If you could be a vegetable, which one would you be?”
  • “What animal would you be and why?”

Meanwhile, for executives looking to make a difference, a little bit of philanthropy can go a long way in building office camaraderie, the survey said.

Some ideas included putting together food packages for a charity, or dressing up in funny costumes to visit patients at a kid’s hospital.

Check out more ideas and read the report here.

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