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Olympic Contenders: Canadian Tire’s ‘Pedestal’

How does a broad appeal to all things Canadian fare against its teammates?

As marketers continue to leverage the Summer Olympic Games in Rio, Marketing asked a number of experts to offer their critiques of the executions currently in rotation on television and online.

Canadian Tire’s “We all play for Canada – Pedestal

Alan Middleton is a marketing professor at the Schulich School of Business, York University, executive director of the Schulich Executive Education Centre and the author of Ikonica: A Field Guide to Canada’s Brandscape.

“In a really nice piece of work, the spot takes several themes of Canadian identity to contextualize Canadian Tire’s support for the athletes of the Olympics. Under the concept of ‘stepping up’ for Canada, it touches our pride in Canada’s peace keepers, healthcare, our immigration policy, our veterans and indeed our workers and mothers.

“Positioning the support for our athletes in this way deepens the Canadian-ness of the appeal, helps deflect criticism of being too exploitive of the Olympics and its athletes, and reaches deeper in achieving a connection with the viewer on being truly Canadian.”

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Canadian Tire urges Canadians to step up in Olympic Campaign

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Great concept and once more canadian Tire hit the spot with the emotional connection to our athletes while representing every day Canadians.

Monday, August 22 @ 8:09 am |

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