PC Financial launches first ad campaign from Sid Lee

PC Financial wants consumers to know that it is the main street bank, not the Bay St. bank. The 15-year-old financial services brand has launched a new marketing platform, “Good Banking,” which emphasizes its commitment to families and acknowledges that Canadians want to spend less time banking and more time living. The national campaign from […]

PC Financial wants consumers to know that it is the main street bank, not the Bay St. bank.

The 15-year-old financial services brand has launched a new marketing platform, “Good Banking,” which emphasizes its commitment to families and acknowledges that Canadians want to spend less time banking and more time living.

The national campaign from Sid Lee Toronto kicks off with a 60-second TV spot, and is being complemented by magazine ads, digital, experiential and a “robust” in-store promotion across Loblaws stores, where PC Financial operates. Additional 30-second spots will begin airing early next year.


It is Sid Lee’s first work for PC Financial since winning the assignment in the summer.

Andy MacPherson, vice-president of sales and marketing for PC Financial in Toronto, said the brand has enjoyed “significant growth” in the past three years, but is looking to reinforce its position in the market.

“We understand that our brand is one of our greatest assets and we wanted to continue to achieve these good business results and remind ourselves that we’re the challenger brand,” said MacPherson.

The campaign reinforces customer insights portraying the typical PC Financial customer as one seeking shortcuts and efficiencies from everyday chores, like banking. “She wants to be in control of her financial services so that she and her family can do other things,” said MacPherson.

The goal is to position PC Financial as a “purifier” in the financial services space by eliminating complexity, added MacPherson. “We don’t have a dozen different packages for checking and savings with multiple fee structures and tiers,” he said.

In a recent survey conducted by PC Financial, 79% of Canadians said good banking is a bank that saves them money, although only 35% of respondents said their bank is living up to that promise.

“The campaign gets across our position in terms of our personality being insightful, we know you, and a little bit unexpected and surprising – but mostly authentic,” he said. “Nobody’s perfect, but we understand our customers and think we’re genuine in our approach.”

LCL Media and ZenithOptimedia oversaw media for the campaign, while Argyle Communications handled PR and social media.

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