Plowman opens The Super Market

Former Euro exec launches strategy firm

Former Euro exec launches strategy firm

Jeff Plowman, former chief strategy officer of Euro RSCG Toronto and a 20-year veteran of the marketing industry, has decided to set up his own shop.

Last week, Plowman officially launched The Super Market Inc. – a Toronto-based agency that he hopes will differentiate itself from the pack through its focus on overall business strategy.

“There are 1,500 agencies or so in Ontario, which is a lot. So any sane man would look at that number and run for the hills and open up a lawn care company or something,” joked Plowman when asked why he decided to start his own agency.

“But last fall I decided to talk to a few clients and prospective clients and see if there was any opportunity there, any white space to fill.

“They were saying that traditional shops are having a tough time evolving into that digital space, and digital shops are having a tough time getting consumer strategy and brand strategy correct. So I realized, much to my surprise, that there was a little bit of white space in the market. A very strategic space, in my opinion.”

The word “strategic” came up a great deal when Plowman discussed his new venture, which bears the strapline “Strategic solutions for the digital age.”

“By looking at it through four different lenses – consumer insight, creativity, technology and business strategy – I think that makes us more strategic than the average agency,” he said.

Plowman believes the focus on overall business strategy is what will set him apart from other agencies “because I think that’s where all the true disruptive innovation is happening in this market these days.”

Plowman said he is in discussion with a number of clients, but that it’s still too early to disclose names. As for staffing, he said that will build up as the clients come in. “I’m a huge fan of crowdsourcing,” he said, “so I’m taking that approach. [The staff] will build with the client ‘wins,’ if you will.”

The name “The Super Market Inc.” came to Plowman last fall while reading a number of books that analyzed today’s marketing world. “A lot of the books were talking about how the consumer’s now in control, and the consumer has overthrown the system, and technology’s changed everything and marketers don’t have control of their brands anymore,” he said. “And it occurred to me that we’re in this fantastic, hyper 24/7, constantly ‘on’ market. And so the term ‘the Super Market’ came up – and it refers to this big change in the market that’s happened only over the last few years.”

Plowman worked at Euro RSGC Toronto from 2007 until September 2011, first in the role of vice-president of client services and strategic planning, then as executive vice-president and chief strategy officer.

Other agencies he has worked for over the years include McCann-Erickson Japan, Saatchi & Saatchi and J. Walter Thompson.

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