CBC has aired a news story on a sex-focused campaign for Science World, saying the ads are creating a bit of controversy around Vancouver.
The campaign, from longtime agency of record Rethink, promotes “The Science of Sexuality” exhibit. Science World president Bryan Tisdall and Rethink’s Rob Tarry are both quoted in CBC’s story explaining that not only is the campaign based on research and fact, but that it has been successful in bringing in visitors to the exhibit.
The reporting about Pattison’s reaction to the ads seems a bit muddy. The online story says the ads have been “banned” from bus stops, whereas the TV/video report says the company “opted out” of displaying the ads… both accurate statements, but one implies corporate outrage while the other suggests a bit of brand protection or market targeting.
As for consumer reaction, the news story shows two Vancouverites who hardly seemed outraged. I’m left wondering just how much of a stir this campaign is actually causing. You can see CBC’s coverage, including raw interview footage with Tarry and Tisdall on its website.