With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, Wind Mobile has launched a Facebook initiative that’s full of more innuendo than an episode of MASH.
The “Call-A-Sutra” campaign, which was developed by MacLaren McCann, features 14 saucy ways for luv-ahs to connect using different ‘positions.’ With names like “the Pelvic Pump’r” and “the Cushion-Pushin,’” these positions are meant to, umm, stimulate users into holding their mobile phone in a new way.
From Feb. 2 to Feb. 15, Wind will put up a new Call-A-Sutra position under a new tab on its Facebook page every day. Twitter followers are also being prompted to check out the positions.
Each position has a humourous twist in that they aren’t as naughty as one might think. “Call-A-Sutra plays on expectations with double-entendre headlines that would lead you to imagine one thing while the actual position described reveal truisms about how we use our phones,” said Wind Mobile chairman and CEO Anthony Lacavera in a release.
For example, “the Blindfold Bang” is when a couple both ends up crashing into something as they’re walking because they have their heads down because they are mesmerized by one another’s texts.
Users are also being encouraged to share the positions with their companions and friends via social networks.
Wind Mobile is owned by Globalive Holdings.