This is Taxi Vancouver‘s new campaign for the Vancouver Opera, which, according to Doug Tuck, director of marketing and community programs, needs to reach out to younger audiences.
“It’s quite a challenge as many younger people think opera’s old-fashioned and that it doesn’t connect to their lives, which is actually untrue,” Tuck said in a release. “We want to convince them that they should take a chance on opera. There’s a lot for them to like, and they’ll be surprised that we can talk to them on their own terms… Taxi Vancouver has a ‘Doubt the Conventional’ philosophy that seemed to fit with what we needed.”
Nikki Jobson and Anne Shortall were the Taxi creatives behind the work. “Vancouver’s full of young people who pride themselves on their sense of adventure. They’re ‘try anything once’ types, whether it’s unusual food, extreme sports, or going to see an obscure art exhibition. We wanted to tap into that sense of adventure and get people to consider the opera. After all, how do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never tried it?”