This Week’s Most Read Stories

Here’s a quick look at the most read stories on for the week of Nov. 28. 1. Channer helms Red Lion for Publicis Brett Channer, former chairman and executive creative director of Saatchi & Saatchi Canada, is now chief creative officer of a new Publicis-owned agency called Red Lion. 2. Astral switches off the ordinary […]

Here’s a quick look at the most read stories on for the week of Nov. 28.

1. Channer helms Red Lion for Publicis

Brett Channer, former chairman and executive creative director of Saatchi & Saatchi Canada, is now chief creative officer of a new Publicis-owned agency called Red Lion.

2. Astral switches off the ordinary

Astral’s new national consumer ad campaign focuses on building awareness, particularly in English Canada, as well as boosting the company’s highly diverse programming and entertainment brands. But it does so with a twist. The new creative slate, with the strapline “Switch off the ordinary,” gives new meaning to “character building.” In the blink of an eye, Grandma transforms into a Lady Gaga-esque pop star that goes on tour and mechanics turn into sophisticated fashion critics.

3. Ads you must see

Every week we showcase a handful of ads from around the world that, for reasons good and bad, we think you should take a look at. Here are six ads you must see because…

4. The meteoric rise of Duncan Fulton

With a PR pedigree and an all-in commitment to social and digital, FGL Sports’ new CMO is turning heads and stocking up on talent.

5. Taxi lands ‘mammoth’ account in Calgary

Rocky Mountain Dealerships has tapped Taxi’s Calgary office to oversee a complete brand makeover and communicate its new corporate image to both customers and employees.

Brands Articles

30 Under 30 is back with a new name, new outlook

No more age limit! The New Establishment brings 30 Under 30 in a new direction, starting with media professionals.

Diageo’s ‘Crown on the House’ brings tasting home

After Johnnie Walker success, Crown Royal gets in-home mentorship

Survey says Starbucks has best holiday cup

Consumers take sides on another front of Canada's coffee war

KitchenAid embraces social for breast cancer campaign

Annual charitable campaign taps influencers and the social web for the first time

Heart & Stroke proclaims a big change

New campaign unveils first brand renovation in 60 years

Best Buy makes you feel like a kid again

The Union-built holiday campaign drops the product shots

Volkswagen bets on tech in crisis recovery

Execs want battery-powered cars, ride-sharing to 'fundamentally change' automaker

Simple strategies for analytics success

Heeding the 80-20 rule, metrics that matter and changing customer behaviors

Why IKEA is playing it up downstairs

Inside the retailer's Market Hall strategy to make more Canadians fans of its designs