Consumer-generated ads on tap for Lakeport  

  Click to play ad (2.2 MB)     Click to play ad (1.1 MB)     Click to play ad (1 MB)   Beer drinkers looking for T-shirts, golf balls or other freebies in cases of Lakeport are going to be sorely disappointed by the brand’s first campaign of 2009. They may even be […]





Beer drinkers looking for T-shirts, golf balls or other freebies in cases of Lakeport are going to be sorely disappointed by the brand’s first campaign of 2009. They may even be publicly mocked.

The discount-brand beer is asking its customers to submit their own ads spoofing typical beer promotions such as in-pack giveaways. Starting today, consumers can submit videos, radio or billboard executions to Lakeport’s Facebook group for a chance to win one of five big-screen televisions. The winners will be selected based on user votes in six weeks.

The contest is meant to send up the tactics used by Lakeport’s pricier competitors.

“We’re asking them to spoof all kinds of activities,” said Tom Rolfe, the brand’s marketing manager. “It could be big-name sports sponsorships or it could be that some brands throw big parties.”

Previous ad efforts, driven by the tag line “Great beer. Fair prices,” have hinged on the tongue-in-cheek idea that the company doesn’t spend much on marketing so it can spend more on the product.

“[Customers] said to us ‘Keep doing what you’re doing and we’ll help you spread the word,’ ” Rolfe said. “We set up the contest as a thank you and venue for them to spread the word.”

In March 2007, Lakeport was acquired by Labatt Breweries, which has several brands doing exactly what Lakeport is now spoofing; Labatt Blue, for example, is partnered with the National Hockey League. According to Rolfe, this wasn’t even a consideration when planning this year’s message.

“We made the conscious decision that we’d operate [Lakeport] as it had always been operated when it comes to pricing strategy and how we communicate the brand. We’re sticking to our guns.”

One of Labatt’s creative agencies, Publicis Toronto, created the campaign, which will be promoted with radio, print and online ads. To start the ball rolling, Publicis developed the microsite to serve as the hub of what will be a year-long campaign, though Rolfe would say little about what will follow the contest.

“It would be fair to say that each activity will be geared to thanking loyal and passionate Lakeport drinkers,” he said.

Though a press release announced the contest launched today, at press time there was no mention of it on either the Facebook page or

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