Washington Lottery just launched a new TV campaign by Publicis’ Seattle office, which was directed by Jerry Brown from Sticks+Stones Studios.
One of the spots features flightless birds—a penguin, chicken and an emu—given the power to fly.
“I love the free spiritedness of the campaign, especially ‘Birds’,” said Brown, in a release.
“The agency brief was to make a modern piece of film that didn’t smell too much like self-indulgent conspicuous consumption or advertising,” he said. “The whole point was to execute a story in a way that fit their objective of making spots people could feel good about, spots that hint at the good things lottery winners can accomplish—to show someone doing something for someone, that they couldn’t do for themselves.
“The fresh, stripped-down execution is what cuts to the core of the Washington Lottery strategy, which is all about getting people to look at the lottery in a new inconspicuous light. Five, maybe 10 years ago, the ‘Birds’ spot might have been a concept about a lottery winner buying a Learjet and blasting flightless birds around the globe sipping champagne. But, thankfully the days of ‘funny’ lottery winners spending wildly seem to be winding down. The focus of this idea is squarely and most certainly on the birds, not the people.”
Washington Lottery
Agency: Publicis in the West, Seattle
Executive Producer: Derek Ruddy
Creative director: Dan Fietsam
Art director: Scott Rasmussen
Copywriter: Jeff Siegel
Production company: Sticks+Stones Studios, Los Angeles
Director: Jerry Brown