CTV has expanded its on-demand programming lineup with a new branded channel available to Rogers digital subscribers.
The CTV-branded channel went live on Sept. 1 with Sunday’s episode of So You Think You Can Dance Canada.
This is the first time CTV’s primetime programming has been featured on-demand, an initiative that should drive more viewers to CTV’s conventional broadcasts, said senior vice-president of program scheduling Mike Cosentino.
“There’s a real upside for CTV to get involved in this kind of platform,” he said. “We believe we can re-engage viewers that have missed an episode and bring them back to the conventional broadcast.”
CTV selected programs for which it hopes to build stronger fan followings.
The on-demand channel will feature shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, Gossip Girl, Lost and Desperate Housewives. The aim is to allow viewers to catch up on the previous week’s episode in anticipation for weekly broadcasts, which CTV hopes will drive ratings for sponsors, Cosentino said.
The on-demand channel will feature no more than one or two episodes of CTV shows. “We don’t have to provide an inventory,” he said.
CTV has been researching the possibility of an on-demand partner as the technology has been rising in popularity, said Cosentino, adding that CTV has been developing its partnership with Rogers for several months.
“The reality today that we’re seeing more than ever is that viewers are finding other ways to watch their favourite programs,” he said. “CTV wanted to make sure we’re playing in all the right spaces.”
Programs on the CTV on-demand channel will run at their original broadcast length and will maintain the broadcast commercial break structure.
However, because the CRTC does not permit networks to sell ads on the on-demand platform, the ad space will be filled with CTV-produced ads promoting its shows and promotions. Viewers cannot fast forward through these ads.
The CTV on-demand channel will feature 19 of CTV’s programs. CTV will also be streaming 32 of its programs online at CTV.ca.