another test article for women



Marketing to Women Articles

Dove’s tips on keeping long campaigns fresh

The “Campaign for Real Beauty” has been a catalyst for expanding the discussion of “beauty” since it first launched in 2004 with refreshing ads that made women feel good about themselves. Since then, Unilever has extended the campaign on multiple fronts and in relevant ways that continue to engage female consumers and contribute to a healthy bottom line.

Advertorial: “How will it make my life better?” asks Mom.

Few mothers will agree to any proposition unless it can answer the above question to her satisfaction. As the logistics coordinator of her family’s lives—not to mention her own—a mother is constantly looking for ways to make her multi-tasking existence less taxing. And while men still hold the techno-geek title, women are enthusiastic adopters of technology—be it social media, texting, the internet or the latest smartphone, in order to organize—connect and, when they can squeeze it in, be entertained. This advertorial was paid for by Microsoft Advertising.

Marketing to Women panelists pick their faves

Speakers from Marketing's Marketing to Women conference speak up on what women-focused ads have caught their eye.

A look inside Canadian women’s online habits

The April 25 issue of Marketing included study results from Toronto-based Fresh Intelligence Research about the online consumption habits of Canadian women. But the study yielded far more info than we had room to print. To further help marketers understand their female online consumers, here are more findings from this revealing survey.

Dove’s new dish on beauty

While Dove has been behind a “movement” to help women feel better about themselves since 2004, new global research from the Unilever-owned brand suggests there is still lots of work to be done.

Beyond the ribbon

Chasing women with a charity or good cause? Congratulations - so is everyone else! Here's how to resonate by making your cause authentic and sustainable.