Milk moves tunes for new rewards promotion

How do you boost sales of something already in most kitchens?

How do you boost sales of something already in most kitchens?

This story has been updated

Milk West has launched a new campaign aimed at Gen Xers called “Milk MOOves You.”

The frequency reward program offers free music downloads to loyal milk drinkers. Customers who buy a specially marked package of milk will find a code on the carton entitling them to a free tune from Once they get their download, participants will also be entered in a grand prize draw for a 2014 Volkswagen Beetle.

According to Nielsen, Canadian milk sales have fallen 2% in volume over the past year. Now the challenge for Milk West is boosting sales for a product that’s already a household staple, said Mark Cluett with E5 Marketing, the agency executing the new loyalty program program.

Cluett said promotional packaging alone will drive awareness of the campaign, relying on “the high level of household penetration” that will be augmented with in-store media to elevate campaign visibility at shelf. “So, although the campaign mechanics offer greater rewards for 4L purchases which translate into some upsizing at-shelf, we are primarily influencing consumption patterns in the home.”

Milk West – the partnership of dairy farmer associations in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba – partnered on a marketing campaign last year called “Milk Every Moment” with the Strategic Milk Alliance that focused on reminding consumers of the goodness and taste of milk. Helmed by Toronto ad agency DDB and the affiliated ShopperDDB (which also provided creative direction for this new campaign), “Milk Every Moment” relied on storytelling to convey milk’s wholesomeness.

“Parents already understand the health and taste benefits of milk for themselves and their kids,” adds Liz Gurszky, marketing director at the B.C. Dairy Association. “Milk MOOves You” is meant to provide a different kind of incentive than just nutrition. “’Milk MOOves You’ rewards families across Western Canada every time they choose to drink milk,” says Gurszky.

Hip Digital Media, the digital marketers responsible for fulfilling the digital music rewards, is counting on the so-called MTV generation’s love of music to drive the program’s success. “With the adoption of smartphones amongst Canadians, music rewards offer consumers an instant and highly perceived value reward,” said Camille Kennedy, director of marketing for Hip Digital.

This story was updated at 11:36 on May 15, 2014 to clarify that “Milk Every Moment” was a partnership with the Strategic Milk Alliance and involved both Shopper DDB and its parent DDB in Vancouver.

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