Molson is preparing a multimedia advertising campaign to support the launch of Molson Canadian 67, a new low-calorie beer that debuted last week in Ontario and Eastern Canada.
The campaign, developed by Toronto agency Zig, launches Oct. 19 in these markets.
The initiative includes television and online advertising, with print ads to follow in November.
Stephanie DeSutter, senior brand manager for Molson Canadian, said the creative will highlight favourable comparisons between the new beer, with its 67 calories per bottle, and other alcoholic beverages generally perceived to be more beneficial to consumers’ waistlines, such as wine and mixed drinks.
“[The creative] casts a light on some of the confusion there is around calories in beer, wine and mixed drinks,” said DeSutter. “Beer tends to get a worse rep when it’s compared [to other drinks]. When people automatically think there’s anywhere from 200-250 calories per bottle of beer, there’s definitely a great opportunity for a brand like 67 to come in and make that calorie call-out.”
Molson expects Canadian 67 to appeal to women and health-conscious men, allowing the brewery to expand its consumer base.
“We think there’s a really great opportunity to extend our target as part of the Molson Canadian family,” said DeSutter. “We’re going to target female consumers with our print ads. We’re going to be in Food & Drink, Chatelaine and Flare–magazines we wouldn’t normally invest with.”
A similar advertising campaign will coincide with the launch of Molson Canadian 67 in Western Canada in November.
The beer will not be available in Quebec.