Direct mailers have been on a crusade since the dawn of the digital age to merge the typically slow-to-act world of print with the of-the-moment world of digital media. Advances in digital printing presses have been a big help, letting marketers customize mail to individuals by adding, say, their names to flyers and catalogue covers.
Lowe Roche has decided to add guerrilla marketing to the mix. A small team armed with a digital camera, printer and a Porsche hit Toronto’s upscale neighbourhoods to create custom photography for each of its targeted customers’ homes.
While this exercise was for a Toronto-area auto dealer, the concept can be scaled up (to a point) with different teams hitting different cities simultaneously to give a brand more national reach.
Agency: Lowe Roche
Client: Pfaff Auto
Creative directors: Dave Douglass, Pete Breton
Art Director: JP Gravina
Copywriter: Simon Craig
Print Producer: Beth Mackinnon
Account Team: Dave Carey