Wiser’s Canadian Whisky is opening the doors on its “secret society” and inviting Canadians to join through a national multi-media campaign.
The Corby Distilleries brand has based the tongue-in-cheek campaign around The Wiserhood—a group of whisky loyalists who have secretly shared their passion for fine whisky and the “uncompromised life” for over 150 years.
The “brotherhood” encompasses everything the brand is about, said Mark Thorne, brand director of Wiser’s. “They share the same values, the same beliefs, they live to a higher standard, and they enjoy quality,” he added.
The campaign enables people to “see and behold the values that this brand stands for,” he said.
The campaign from John St., the first from the agency since winning the business, includes television, print and the interactive site TheWiserhood.com.
The effort launched during Hockey Night in Canada last Saturday, with a TV spot showing Wiserhood members welcoming “uncompromising” newcomers with the traditional “Slow Clap,” a form of applause rumoured to be the hallmark of their founder, J.P. Wiser. In one spot, a man is welcomed into the club after he gets out of wearing a sweater he doesn’t like—a gift from his wife—by tearing a hole in it. In another, members of the Wiserhood perform the slow clap after a man chooses a traditional carving knife rather than a modern electric blade to carve a turkey.
Visitors to TheWiserhood.com can learn more about the “Society of Uncompromising Men” and why Wiser’s is the group’s beverage of choice. Prospective members are invited to join by agreeing to the four Wisermandments, and committing the 32-page “Official-Looking Handbook” to memory. While on the site, members can peruse the Hall of Fame, learn the four S’s of whisky appreciation, and participate in the annual Prescott Derby.
In addition, three activation teams have set out in branded pick-up trucks on a cross-country tour to educate Canadians about Wiser’s and the Wiserhood.
The campaign is running for the next seven weeks. Carat handled the media buy.