
New Neuroscience research reveals the keys to driving customer action

In this hyper-connected world, with digital and mobile joining direct mail as key channels for generating brand awareness, marketers have more choice than ever when it comes to reaching an audience. But how do marketers convert an audience into a customer base? How do they go from fostering engagement to inspiring a transaction?

A new study commissioned by Canada Post shows that when the goal is driving consumer action, brand-in-the-hand direct mail is best.

The study, led by neuromarketing expert Diana Lucaci, compared the emotional responses of people interacting with print and digital ad campaigns. Results showed 70% higher brand recall with print.

According to the research, DM is more likely to trigger the desired action than digital. Why? Its physical format stimulates more strongly the mental processes that drive behaviour—the ultimate goal of all marketing.

The study, the largest of its kind, delved deeper to understand the science behind the impact of DM. The answers prove that despite the many digital alternatives out there, DM remains an important part of a successful marketing mix.

For a campaign to resonate with consumers, it needs to accomplish three main things: motivate, be easy to understand, and grab attention.

When it comes to propensity to act —called a “motivation score”—DM scored 20% higher than digital. That difference is magnified for DM pieces that include other sensory features, specifically scent and sound.

Digital loses ground because it requires more brainpower than DM to process, and that’s critical because consumers always prefer the path of least resistance. If they have to work too long or too hard to grasp the message, they move on.

While it’s common to assume that younger consumers don’t act this way, and that they aren’t persuaded by traditional media, including DM, the science says otherwise. DM outperformed digital in all age groups studied, from 18 to 64.

What does all this mean for marketers? It means with DM your message gets across faster, and that there’s still a role for DM in a hyper-connected world. In fact, DM is better suited than digital to close your marketing-sales loop.

The key for marketers is to not overwhelm consumers. The experience needs to be unique and memorable, but also simple and straightforward.

The most effective DM pieces identified in the study were envelopes (especially scented ones) and dimensional mailers. A banner presented on a laptop was the least engaging and successful type of format.

There’s no denying digital provides essential platforms for interaction, but it’s DM that best triggers that sought-after action response in consumers. The solution for marketers lies in finding the best way to fuse digital and print in their marketing mix – which is the the essence behind Canada Post’s Smartmail Marketing.

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