BBC writes prescription for Doctor Who on Facebook

BBC Worldwide has announced that it will rent selected episodes from the BBC television show Doctor Who to consumers via Facebook.

BBC Worldwide has announced that it will rent selected episodes from the BBC television show Doctor Who to consumers via Facebook.
Beginning today, Facebook users in Canada, the U.S., Europe, Australia and New Zealand can stream several episodes from the long-running sci-fi show’s back catalogue. Users access the content through the show’s Facebook page ( and pay for the rentals using Facebook credits, a form of digital currency that can be purchased from a user’s account with credit cards or PayPal.

John Smith, BBC Worldwide’s chief executive, said in a release that as BBC finds broader international audiences, “we’ve seen through our Facebook channel that fans who are loving the new [Doctor Who] series are asking for a guide into our rich Doctor Who back catalogue. Our approach to Facebook and other leading edge platforms is to be right there alongside them in fostering innovation.”
Viewers have 48 hours to watch an episode after purchasing the rental.

“Millions of people engage with their favourite TV shows on Facebook every day and we’re now seeing broadcasters look at innovative ways to use Facebook tools to connect their fans with exclusive content,” said Christian Hernandez, director of platform partnerships for Facebook.

Among the content available is “The Greatest Show in the Galaxy,” an episode that has never been released on DVD.

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