CBC News revamps its digital media properties

CBC News has revamped its website and launched a mobile app that gives users access to exclusive video, audio and photos as well as real-time updates on international, national and local news.

CBC News has revamped its website and launched a mobile app that gives users access to exclusive video, audio and photos as well as real-time updates on international, national and local news.

The redesigned CBCNews.ca is meant to have a cleaner design for easier navigation. The national news organization is focusing on expanded breaking news coverage, access to CBC News video and audio content, and several of CBC’s unique news products.

Rachel Nixon, director of digital media for CBC News, said in a release that the organization “is already the first and most popular news choice online with more unique daily visitors than any other news site.

“Now we’re building on that success by providing Canadians with a quicker, cleaner digital experience that offers them not just improved content but also the mobile tools to help shape and share the news and information they value,” said Nixon.

Through the app, users can customize how and what they view on their device, share information, pictures and video with CBC News and others.

“Whether it’s at their desks or on their devices, Canadians want real-time access to the news and information that matters to them,” said Jennifer McGuire, general manager and editor-in-chief, CBC News, in a release.

The CBC News Mobile App is available for iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry and Android devices.

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