Doctors Without Borders brings refugee exhibit out East

Humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders is set to launch an advertising campaign in advance of the Eastern Canadian tour of its Refugee Camp in the Heart of the City exhibit.   The exhibit, an 8,000-square-foot installation that recreates the conditions of refugee camps in war-torn countries, will make stops in St. John’s, Halifax, Moncton and […]

Humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders is set to launch an advertising campaign in advance of the Eastern Canadian tour of its Refugee Camp in the Heart of the City exhibit.
The exhibit, an 8,000-square-foot installation that recreates the conditions of refugee camps in war-torn countries, will make stops in St. John’s, Halifax, Moncton and Quebec City between September 8 and October 2. Visitors can take an interactive tour led by local and national representatives of Doctors Without Borders.
To promote the event, the organization has placed print, radio, transit shelter and online creative in each local market. Creative was developed by Toronto agency Tenzing Communications, with ad space donated by media outlets in each tour city.
Karel Janssens, project coordinator for Refugee Camp in the City, said his organization also plans to target a more general audience with information booths, which will be set up in malls in the tour cities.
“There’s the obvious target – students, church groups, immigrant groups, community groups – but we also want to try and approach groups that are less natural supporters of Doctors Without Borders,” said Janssens.

Refugee Camp in the Heart of the City was initially created in 1995 to raise awareness about refugees and people displaced by violent conflict. Doctors Without Borders toured the exhibit in Western Canada and California in 2008 and brought it to cities in Ontario and Quebec last year.

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