Fido’s dogs work hard, play hard

Wireless brand Fido has just launched a campaign to promote its new “After Work” promotional program. The effort from agency of record BOS is being supported with TV, print, out-of-home and digital media to be followed by activations at places people like to frequent after work. “We found out that the majority of consumers with […]

Wireless brand Fido has just launched a campaign to promote its new “After Work” promotional program.

The effort from agency of record BOS is being supported with TV, print, out-of-home and digital media to be followed by activations at places people like to frequent after work.

“We found out that the majority of consumers with their personal cellphones use very little talk time during their work hours,” said senior marketing director Steven Sarfin. “They really want to have features, like unlimited texting, in the times when they want to be able to socialize with friends.”

While different versions of unlimited evenings and weekends have been around with wireless companies for a while, Sarfin said what makes the Fido plan unique is the earlier start, 5 p.m., thus the marketing emphasis on getting away from work and having fun.

In true Fido fashion the creative features dogs, but this time its dogs with jobs who like to have fun when five o’clock rolls around–including snowboarding.

The spot was shot north of Montreal with dogs actually jumping on and riding the boards. There was not green screen involved, said Sarfin.

The campaign will include a “community investment” with street teams hitting frequent after-work hangouts encouraging consumers to text to a number to be eligible for a prize while also triggering a $1 Fido donation to the St. John Therapy Dogs program, up to $50,000.

“For the Fido brand, the idea of combining an activity promoting our community investment partner at the same time as leveraging what is in our business plan for the quarter is a really cool mechanism we have come up with,” said Sarfin.

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