Janet Kestin
Janet Kestin is Ogilvy Toronto’s co-chief creative officer, along with Nancy Vonk, who pretty much outlined Kestin’s illustrious career in her own write-up on the facing page.
1. I got better at my job after I had a baby. He gave me perspective.
2. Stay a little stupid. That’s where the fun is.
3. Competition is good. Collaboration is better. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t always do your best.
4. Give yourself and others permission to fail.
5. Share ideas. Share credit.
6. Take your holidays.
7. Spend time with students. Inspire them a little. Scare them a little. And maybe they’ll do the same for you.
8. Check in regularly to see if your dreams are big enough.
9. Maybe you can’t have it all, but you can have it a whole bunch. Women worry that they’ll have to choose between having the job and having kids. Find a place that’ll let you do both if you want to do both.
10. We’re guests in their homes; we’d better make interesting conversation.
11. Sometimes it’s better to leap before you look.
12. Tell your truth. Accept that it won’t always be welcome. Hear theirs. Same.
13. Go to things: conferences, movies, the mall. Inspiration comes from out there.
14. You won’t always be right.
15. As a newbie, ‘adspeak’ made me shudder. I try to be someone who doesn’t make me shudder.
16. Travel as much as possible.
17. Remember what made you laugh each day, not just what made you cry.
18. Hug your staff if they’ll let you. You’ll all feel better.
19. We can do good, not just well.
20. Recognize that sometimes your life has to be your priority and trust your work to understand.