Kraft goes to market with new look for Tassimo

Tassimo – a division of Kraft Canada – has brewed a new brand image that includes a package redesign for its personal hot beverage maker. The new look was inspired by global research and will be applied in all markets, creating a unified easily identifiable look, said Luke Cole, product manager on Tassimo. In the […]

Tassimo – a division of Kraft Canada – has brewed a new brand image that includes a package redesign for its personal hot beverage maker.

The new look was inspired by global research and will be applied in all markets, creating a unified easily identifiable look, said Luke Cole, product manager on Tassimo.

In the research, consumers said the coffee aisle is a sea of sameness – with packaging that often includes dark rich colours, images of beans or steaming cups of coffee, said Cole.

Tassimo was looking to emphasize its key point of difference – the fact the machine reads a barcode on each hot beverage “T Disc” and adjusts everything from water temperature, water amount and brew time to make the optimal beverage.

This is the first time Tassimo has undergone a redesign since the brand launched five years ago. While the U.K.-based brand design firm Turner Duckworth handled the effort, Kraft Canada worked to incorporate the Canadian only coffee labels into the new design.

Before, the colour of the package changed with each beverage brand. For instance, the Nabob pack was green.

The packages are now light silver with the outline of overlapping “T Discs” in dark silver, arranged as a flower, which is meant to represent the wide range of brands and beverages available within the Tassimo portfolio, said Cole.

An image of a coffee cup also appears at the bottom right hand corner of the pack, with the handle turned outwards towards the consumer, said Cole.

From a design perspective, the new look clearly communicates the brand’s personality: uncomplicated, clever, intuitive, and very approachable, said Cole.

Tassimo announced the package redesign in a newsletter to consumers, and continues to support the new look on its website, Facebook page, and through point of sale materials including on-pack stickers.

The new design will be included in the next advertising campaign, which Tassimo typically launches around festive and gift-giving occasions such as Mother’s Day and Christmas.

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