Mars brings back kindness challenge to Canadians

For a second year, Mars Canada (with help from Canadian Football League great Michael “Pinball” Clemons) is encouraging consumers to make random acts of kindness through an online campaign that aims to help out local communities. The confectionary company has re-launched “Random Acts of Chocolate,” challenging Canadians–who “believe that we have a strong reputation for […]

For a second year, Mars Canada (with help from Canadian Football League great Michael “Pinball” Clemons) is encouraging consumers to make random acts of kindness through an online campaign that aims to help out local communities.

The confectionary company has re-launched “Random Acts of Chocolate,” challenging Canadians–who “believe that we have a strong reputation for being a kind nation”–to commit 50,000 acts of kindness (be they big or small) on its dedicated Facebook page or website.

Participants can include a picture, video or link with their submission, which is then measured by a “kindness meter.” Consumers can track the progress of the campaign online.

Consumers are also encouraged to nominate a local community organization for a chance to win one of three $10,000 Kindness Donations.

To kick-start the initiative, which launched Wednesday, Mars is giving away 50,000 coupons to be redeemed for a free chocolate product.

“Mars Canada Inc. fundamentally believes in the importance of kindness, being kind and giving back to one another so that we can bring smiles to the faces of those around us,” said TJ Kanaris, brand director for Mars Canada Inc., in a release.

“We are reminding Canadians to make kindness a part of their daily routine, and why not start with a good-natured challenge that measures this kindness, so that we can get excited about it and rally behind it,” said Kanaris.

“Last year, we discovered that as Canadians we’re not actually as kind as we believe ourselves to be,” said Clemons, in the release. ““This year, we’re taking kindness to a whole new level by mobilizing a nation of Kindness Ambassadors to reach that goal of 50,000 kind acts.”

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