Retail sales fall during June, widely miss expectations

Retail sales in Canada fell in June, widely missing expectations amid a sharp decline at retailers that sell general merchandise, gasoline, building materials and garden equipment. Statistics Canada reported Wednesday that retail sales declined 0.4% to $38.7 billion in June, more than offsetting a gain in May. Economists had expected a 0.1% increase. Sales decreased […]

Retail sales in Canada fell in June, widely missing expectations amid a sharp decline at retailers that sell general merchandise, gasoline, building materials and garden equipment.

Statistics Canada reported Wednesday that retail sales declined 0.4% to $38.7 billion in June, more than offsetting a gain in May.

Economists had expected a 0.1% increase.

Sales decreased most in Alberta, which had reported the largest increase among the provinces in May.

Of the 11 subsectors that Statistics Canada tracks, seven of them reported lower sales — representing 64% of the country’s retail trade.

Statistics Canada said receipts at general merchandise stores fell by 1.05%, with store closures contributing to lower sales at department stores.

Gasoline station sales decreased 1.3%, reflecting lower prices at the pump — the sixth decrease in eight months.

Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers reported a 2.1% sales decline. Statistics Canada said lower receipts in recent months may reflect early spring sales for this store type in February and March.

Sales at motor vehicle and parts dealers decreased 0.4%.

Receipts at food and beverage stores increased 0.5% overall, with supermarkets and other grocery stores (up 1.0%) accounting for most of the increase.

Sales at electronics and appliance stores rose 1.1% in June, following declines in April and May.

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