Watch This: Vice on HBO

Vice, the Canadian-born media brand, is growing again. From a magazine and website to a CNN news unit to branded partnerships, Vice is a company we’ve been watching for a while. Its new show on HBO sees the craziness reach out to yet another new audience. At first blush, the show appears to be a […]

Vice, the Canadian-born media brand, is growing again.

From a magazine and website to a CNN news unit to branded partnerships, Vice is a company we’ve been watching for a while. Its new show on HBO sees the craziness reach out to yet another new audience.

At first blush, the show appears to be a continuation (or even just a re-skinning) of The Vice Guide To Travel series – a sort-of WTF view of places that are war zones, party zones or just plain alien to North American sensibilities (its trip to North Korea was particularly memorable). Whether an HBO-sized budget will expand the concept in interesting way remains to be seen. But even if it’s same-old, same-old, because it’s Vice, it will still be interesting.

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