Yahoo launches Quebec entertainment site

Yahoo Canada has expanded its Quebec presence once again with the launch of Yahoo Divertissement, a comprehensive French-language entertainment hub covering everything from local galas and celebrity events to entertainment blogs, TV commentary, and movie reviews. The new site marks the continuation of Yahoo’s foray into Quebec-focused content, following its launch last October of its […]

Yahoo Canada has expanded its Quebec presence once again with the launch of Yahoo Divertissement, a comprehensive French-language entertainment hub covering everything from local galas and celebrity events to entertainment blogs, TV commentary, and movie reviews.

The new site marks the continuation of Yahoo’s foray into Quebec-focused content, following its launch last October of its dedicated sports site Yahoo Sports Quebec and Yahoo Canada Movies.

What distinguishes the new site is its uniquely Quebec perspective, concentrating on local content.  Yahoo Divertissement will feature videos of celebrity roundups, as well as commentary by well-known celebrity blogger Jasmin Roy. In addition, it will showcase three videos a week with full live streaming coverage of such red carpet events as the ADISQ (Association québécoise de l’industrie du disque, du spectacle et de la vidéo) gala, including interviews with event hosts.

Michel Fradette, head of Yahoo Media Network, Quebec, said, “Our interest is in the cultural and entertainment aspects of what’s happening in Quebec. Yahoo Divertissement will be offering readers a content-rich online venue, with as many as 2,500 articles per month, not including blogs. We’re creating more of a niche for ourselves, with the creation of partnerships with experts in music and cinema. As a news provider, we want to cover it all, but we want to be very discerning about what we cover.”

In addition to its editorial content, Fradette notes the sites’s easy navigation platform – a response to users’ comments about what they wanted to see in site design.

He reports avid interest on the part of advertisers – some of whom are shared by other Yahoo Sites – who are pleased to see a new player in the online entertainment market.

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