Charles Murray Named President, Sun Chemical-North American Inks

Sun Chemical, the world’s largest printing ink producer, has named Charles Murray (pictured) president of its North American Inks division. Most recently working as the managing director and corporate vice president of Sun Chemical’s business in the UK, Ireland and Nordic markets since 2004, Murray brings 27 years of industry experience to his new position. […]

Sun Chemical, the world’s largest printing ink producer, has named Charles Murray (pictured) president of its North American Inks division.

Most recently working as the managing director and corporate vice president of Sun Chemical’s business in the UK, Ireland and Nordic markets since 2004, Murray brings 27 years of industry experience to his new position.

“Charles is very familiar with the issues and challenges currently impacting Sun Chemical’s customers in North America, because those same trends are facing our customers in Northern Europe,” said Rudi Lenz, president and CEO, Sun Chemical in a company statement.

Murray replaces Brian Leen, who is leaving the graphic arts industry after an 18 year career at Sun Chemical. Leen led Sun Chemical’s North American business since 2008.

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