ECRM Demos Agfa Chem-free Violet Plate

Massachusetts-based flatbed platesetter manufacturer ECRM, in conjunction with Agfa, is using the Graphics of the Americas trade show in Miami as a demonstration site for the first imaging of Agfa’s :N92-VCF chemistry-free plate using a MAKO NEWSmatic platesetter. Agfa has been promoting process-free violet plates for newspapers for a couple years. “For many printers and […]

Massachusetts-based flatbed platesetter manufacturer ECRM, in conjunction with Agfa, is using the Graphics of the Americas trade show in Miami as a demonstration site for the first imaging of Agfa’s :N92-VCF chemistry-free plate using a MAKO NEWSmatic platesetter. Agfa has been promoting process-free violet plates for newspapers for a couple years.
“For many printers and publishers, the availability of violet chemistry-free plates is a critical breakthrough which finally enables them to take advantage of the ecological and economical benefits of violet computer-to-plate production,” stated ECRM Latin American business manager Ed Millhorn in a company release.

ECRM promotes its violet CTP platesetters as both economical and energy-efficient, citing the MAKO platesetters as drawing the same energy it takes to light three 100-watt light bulbs.

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